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Selecting the Right Saltwater Aquarium

Saltwater Aquarium Fish

Though the installation and upkeep of a saltwater aquarium maybe a bit more involved than a fresh water aquarium, there are many advantages. The owner can keep a greater range of aquatic life. Fish can be kept with other animals like sponges and sea anemones and the fish themselves tend to be more colorful and interesting than freshwater fish.

The aquarium should be set up according to the fish’s needs. Some fish prefer to live in schools and are quite compatible with fish of different species. On the other hand, there are fish like triggerfish, that must be solitary and can’t even be kept with members of their own species. Fish also have different needs when it comes to light levels and food. So the owner should know what sort of fish will be going into their saltwater aquarium.

The Location of a Saltwater Aquarium is Important

Location of the aquarium is also important. The aquarium should never be put in direct sunlight nor near any HVAC components like a radiator. It should be put in a place where it can have ready access to both water and electricity. The tank shouldn't be put flush against a wall because that will restrict the owner’s access when it comes to installing filters and doing maintenance work.

The owner should also make sure that their floor can support the weight of the tank when it’s filled and that the floor is level. It’s surprising how many floors aren’t level, especially in old houses. If the aquarium isn’t level it must be made so, either by moving it to a place where the floor is level or placing shims beneath the feet of the tank stand.

The owner should fill the tank 1/3 of the way, then check for leaks. If there are any leaks the tank should be taken or sent back to the store and replaced. If there are no leaks, the owner can install the filter without plugging it in. They should then add the substrate and any decorations. They should fill the tank the rest of the way and add a special salt solution or pour in artificial seawater from a place that specializes in marine aquariums. In any case, the owner should never go to the beach and collect ocean water.

The owner should let the tank sit for about 24 hours, then test the salinity. After this they can install the thermometer, lighting and the heater, then plug everything in and turn everything on to see how it works.

The owner should then wait between one and two days to add their fish, to make sure that everything in the saltwater aquarium has stabilized.

Give us a call at 210.444.2782 to discuss your Saltwater Aquarium and Cabinetry today.
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